About Us
About Us
We’re all about relationships. Understanding relationships in data and developing relationships with our clients.
Started in 2000, we are a privately owned, professional service organization headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, specializing in core financial strength services for the hospital industry.
When you hear Bill Cleverley talk about the firm, he tends to focus on two key points: people and data. He likes to discuss the history we have with data analysis and the foundation data provides for all our consulting services. He also likes to talk about the people. A team of bright, dedicated, honest employees who go the extra mile to help the client. As Jamie Cleverley likes to say, “We are data nerds!”
With more than 40 books and 150 articles published in academic and professional journals dealing with healthcare financial issues and trends we are truly thought leaders. We also speak at many professional education events each year.
We not only help hospitals provide value to their communities, we participate in activities that impact our own community as well. We encourage our staff to engage with local organizations that work with feeding the poor and elderly, providing community service for various outreach programs, and contributing time and financial support to other causes they feel passionate about.
We help hospitals provide value to their communities. We acquire, standardize, and aggregate a variety of hospital financial and operational data. Leveraging these data sources, we provide custom consulting and advisory services primarily focused in revenue cycle, budgeting, decision support, and finance operations. Specifically, we aim to help make hospital prices more reasonable, hospital reimbursement easier to understand and manage, and data more actionable.
Founder Bill Cleverley